Embracing "YOU"

Knowing how to be "you" is something that I think a lot of us struggle with in social society. Every aspect of our lives surfaces around what others are doing; thinking; feeling...
 and this is what we revolve around.

As a population of people, we are all wrapped up in what other people have going on in their lives that we compare ourselves to them, almost as if we are in competition with one another. But we are all individuals; we all breath the same, eat the same, cry the same, laugh the same. We are all biologically one race... Human. Yes, we may look different, have a different taste in style, different educational backgrounds, but at the end of the day, we are all still people, who struggle deeply to express our differences within our selves in comparison to others.
The real question here is, who are "you"?
Who do you want people to know you as? What does your genetic makeup say about you? What makes "YOU" so unique that you have to make sure the world knows you are not the next person? That's what we need to find within ourselves. A lot of us don't really know the answer to any of those questions.
I know... I'm crazy right? How am I going to tell you that you don't know anything about yourself? But this is our problem as people. We don't even focus on what's inside the box, because we're always told to think outside of it. That made you think didn't it? We are so caught up in "other people's lives", that we don't even understand the meaning of our own.
So a short term goal for you to set within yourself is to define "YOU". Think of your whole life existence as just a simple, broad definition; but instead of being found in a dictionary, put yourself into an encyclopedia...
Right... you barely knew there was a huge difference?! Dictionaries are basic, straight to the point, leaving you with not much explanation. But an encyclopedia... words found there give you a deeper understanding of its true meaning. Encyclopedias give you more than what you know, and more than what you ask for. After going through an encyclopedia, you leave with more than what you wanted, but you definitely got a better understanding than you would have with a dictionary. BE THAT ENCYCLOPEDIA. Stop living a dictionary life because you're too far behind your peer and you're wondering why. Stop worrying about how they're able to afford the things they have when they don't even work a full time job. So what if you don't wear name brand clothing, but DJ always has on Gucci and Prada! So what if you take the bus to work your 9-5, while John pushes a 2017 Impala to work everyday but you don't know that John did something he wasn't supposed to, to even get that car... Be grateful that you can even punch a clock at all. Forget about anyone that ever said you weren't good enough. Who cares if you don't have the longest hair or the "fleekiest" eyebrows, little do you know those Brazilian inches that Jasmine has could never replace the kinky curls your mother and father blessed you with... or your teeth aren't the straightest and your intellect isn't the brightest, because you cant get a 4.0 but Ronnie has all his life.
The thing is, EVERYONE HAS A FLAW OF THEIR OWN. Yeah, they may have something that you want and wish you had, but they also have or go through something that you're glad you don't. EMBRACE "YOUR" IMPERFECTIONS!!! Stop competing with the next person with TRYING TO BE BETTER, instead of just BEING YOUR OWN VERSION OF BETTER in silence.
And As the old saying goes, Actions really do speak louder than words.
But Who ever said that words spoke loud at all?
A Human Being Just like YOU.